Saturday, April 15, 2017

RE: Who's afraid of the locker room?

In my colleague's article, Who's afraid of the locker room?, Molly asks the reader in the final paragraph, "Who is protecting the underrepresented transexual community?" I agree with her line of thinking and the data that backs it up. Out of concern, I searched and found that in 2017, more than 130 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced across the country according to the website for Human Rights Campaign. I'm disturbed to see the amount of bills being proposed - but it's somewhat reassuring that we do have advocacy groups out there intervening. What I've learned so far, in my short little life, is that change happens. It seems as though at times, we take one step forward, two steps back, but I'm confident and hopeful that our constitution will represent us all. I think it's just important that we all stick together and use our voice!

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