The distorted truth of how factory-farmed meats effects our personal health is dangerous. Due to added hormones, and the abundant amount of antibiotics used on factory farms, it creates the risk for humans to end up with a chronic disease, obesity, and drug-resistant bacteria. There around about 76 million cases of food-borne illnesses, which were created during factory-farming from contamination. While simple solutions are available, it would increase time and would take profit away from them. Our environmental health is also at risk, in hog factory farms there is almost no waste-treatment infrastructure, which means massive amounts of toxins are released into the environment. The aftermath buried into fields, allow the toxins to run off into waterways, which end up killing off populations of fish.
Issues such as- disposing livestock excrement, health risks, and euthanasia regulations, need to be dealt in our government and should be closely monitored. To summarize, best said on the National Review's website, "...the dairy industry spends more on advertising in one week than the blueberry, mango, watermelon, and mushroom industries spend all together in a year. At a time when we’re being encouraged to enjoy more fruits and vegetables, why does animal-based agriculture get such a disproportionate amount of support from the USDA and Congress?"
Food is such an integral part of our lives and it is so tightly weaved heavily into culture, tradition, and a indicator of thriving society. My colleague, Freedom Writer, wrote an insightful blog titled "Dirty Meat" explaining the detriment of factory-farmed meat and cheese.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with Mackenzie, or Freedom Writer's, stance and believe that factory farmed food is immoral and unhealthy, for our bodies and for our environment. Mackenzie mentions the shocking statistic showing the colossal amount of 76 million cases of food borne illnesses. This statistic is disturbing, but what Mackenzie failed to mention was the surprising day when the World Heath Organization released a report showing processed meat causes cancer. This does not come as a shock to me, but what does is their transparency. Because advertising meat and cheese to ridiculous amounts produces the meat industry lots of money, you would think they would do everything in their power to stop The World Health Organization from releasing such a statement. It has taken WHO a long time to release the statement, but hopefully it speaks to people.
The FDA is a great example of just how corrupt the food industry is. The FDA happily accepts extremely unsanitary and unacceptable standards in factory farms. For example, they overlook and accept pus in milk
In the early 1900s, smoking was advertised as healthy- usually the advertisements included a doctors recommendation. This naivety went on until Jeffery Wigand blew the whistle on The Brown and Williamson tobacco company, releasing reports that showed it caused cancer.
I am vegan because of the corruption I just spoke about- but you certainly don't have to be vegan to see what corruption looks like.
History seems to be repeating itself and the greedy food industry is no exception to what society when through with tobacco. I can only hope this time we learn to treat our bodies and Earth right before it's too late.