On March 4th, Donald Trump tweeted "Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory." He made this statement without providing any evidence or support to back up the claim. In response, Asha Rangappa wrote for Washington Monthly, Debunking the Obama Wiretap Conspiracy Theories. As a former FBI counterintelligence agent, Asha claims that Obama wiretapping Trump is nearly impossible. She addresses the main theories that have been discussed, like allowing wiretapping without a court order, going around the law, and even getting permission to wiretap without any evidence. Asha breaks down each one of these, and in the end, it seems very clear that this didn't happen. However, if I did, it was most likely done with a legal warrant observing the Russians, that were in connection to President Trump or his facilities. I believe what Asha is saying has some credibility to it, as she was once an FBI agent. Seeing that it's almost been a week since Trump made this claim, and has been ignoring questions about the statement, I have a feeling that this is all going to fizzle out very soon without any sort of apology. I think it's important that Asha wrote this, putting some silly theories to bed, but never say never. However, if there was any wiretap in was most likely done for the safety of our country. If Trump fallaciously said this, then shame on him because it's just creating unnecessary drama, especially for Barak Obama.